1. How To Make My Mac Run Games Better
  2. Free On The Run Games
  1. Feb 10, 2016.
  2. Feb 15, 2016 This video shows how to clean your mac and make it run faster. Following the tutorial properly will lead to 50% increase in speed and boot up time. Improved Version of Application Cleaner: https.

Feb 15, 2016  This video shows how to clean your mac and make it run faster. Following the tutorial properly will lead to 50% increase in speed and boot up time.

Adding memory will generally not speed up your computer however it will keep it from slowing down as more apps use memory and you get near your maximum amount of ram your computer will starting swapping memory to the hard disk. The hard disk is slower than memory so your computer slows down. Put in simple terms.

How To Make My Mac Run Games Better

If speeding up your computer is the goal of your question i offer the following info.

Generally its impractical to add a faster cpu.

Free On The Run Games



Do you have a hard drive or a solid state drive in your computer.

If you have a hard drive adding a solid state drive (SSD Drive) will greatly increase speed.

MakeMake my mac faster

If you already have a solid state drive not much more you can do.

Post back if there if you are interested in adding a this type of drive as there are some things to know before installing this type of drive depending on the brand of drive and the operating system you are using. Perhaps start a new question on the topic rather than extending this one.